Famous people born in Iceland

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Bj rk

Bj rk

Bjrk Gumundsdttir , known mononymously as Bjrk , is an Icelandic singersongwriter. She initially became known as the lead singer of the alternative rock band The Sugarcubes, whose 1987 single Birthday was a hit on US and UK indie stations and a favorite among music critics. Bjrk embarked on a solo career in 1993, coming to prominence as a solo artist with her single Human Behaviour and her album Debut. She has since had 30 singles reach the Top 40 on pop charts around the world, with 22 Top 40 h....
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T mas Lemarquis

T mas Lemarquis

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S var Birgisson

S var Birgisson

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K ri Steinn Karlsson

K ri Steinn Karlsson

Kri Steinn Karlsson is an Icelandic longdistance runner. At the 2012 Summer Olympics, he competed in the mens marathon, finishing in 42nd place.....
Source: Wikipedia

Anton Sveinn McKee

Anton Sveinn McKee

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Ragnar Bragason

Ragnar Bragason

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Benedikt Magn sson

Benedikt Magn sson

Benedikt Benni Magnsson is an Icelandic strongman and powerlifter. He was the holder of the official record for the heaviest strongman deadlift until he lost the position to Eddie Hall in 2015, when Hall deadlifted 462160kg using straps, beating the former raw record by 1160kg. Magnusson still holds the world record raw deadlift record of 1015160lbs.....
Source: Wikipedia

Sm ri McCarthy

Sm ri McCarthy

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Baltasar Korm kur

Baltasar Korm kur

Baltasar Kormkur Samper , known professionally as Baltasar Kormkur, is an Icelandic actor, theater and film director, and film producer. He is best known for directing the films 101 Reykjavk, Hafi, A Little Trip to Heaven , a film based on the book Mrin by Arnaldur Indriason, Contraband, and 2 Guns . His father is the Spanish painter Baltasar Samper.....
Source: Wikipedia

Sigurj n Kjartansson

Sigurj n Kjartansson

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J n Kristinsson

J n Kristinsson

Kristinsson matriculated from Menntasklinn Reykjavk in 1956. He then studied architecture at Delft University of Technology.....
Source: Wikipedia

Einar J nsson

Einar J nsson

Einar Jnsson was an Icelandic sculptor, born in Galtafell, a farm in southern Iceland.....
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Leif Erikson

Leif Erikson

Leif Erikson or Leif Ericson was an Icelandic explorer considered by some as the first European to land in North America , before Christopher Columbus. According to the Sagas of Icelanders, he established a Norse settlement at Vinland, tentatively identified with the Norse LAnse aux Meadows on the northern tip of Newfoundland in modernday Canada. Later archaeological evidence suggests that Vinland may have been the areas around the Gulf of St. Lawrence and that the LAnse aux Meadows site was a ....
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Bj rn Gunnlaugsson

Bj rn Gunnlaugsson

Bjrn Gunnlaugsson was an Icelandic mathematician and cartographer. For the Icelandic Literary Society, he surveyed the country from 1831 to 1843. The results of his work were published in a topographic map of Iceland at a scale of 1480,000 on four sheets. It was the first complete map of Iceland and, although generally dated to 1844, was not completed until 1848. It was published under the direction of Olaf Nikolas Olsen in Copenhagen. In 1849, a smaller edition on one sheet at a scale of 1960,....
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Valda Valkyrien

Valda Valkyrien

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Una Gu mundsd ttir

Una Gu mundsd ttir

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Snorri Sturluson

Snorri Sturluson

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Gunnar Hansen

Gunnar Hansen

Gunnar Milton Hansen was an Icelandicborn American actor and author best known for playing the mentally impaired cannibal and central role of Leatherface in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre .....
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Einar H konarson

Einar H konarson

Einar Hkonarson is one of Icelands best known artists. He is an expressionistic and figurative painter who brought the figure back into Icelandic painting in 1968. He is a pioneer in the Icelandic art scene and art education. He has been called The crusader of the painting, due to his involvement in those conflicts many Icelandic painters have had with the public fine art centers over the last 20160years.....
Source: Wikipedia

Aslaug Magnusdottir

Aslaug Magnusdottir

Source: Wikipedia

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