28 Days Later is a 2002 British postapocalyptic horror film directed by Danny Boyle. The screenplay was written by Alex Garland. The film stars Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Brendan Gleeson, Megan Burns, and Christopher Eccleston. The plot depicts the breakdown of society following the accidental release of a highly contagious virus and focuses upon the struggle of four survivors to cope with the destruction of the life they once knew.
In Cambridge, three animal liberation activists break into a medical research laboratory with the intent of freeing captive chimpanzees. They are interrupted by a scientist, who desperately warns them that the chimps are infected with a highly contagious rageinducing virus that is spread through blood and saliva. Ignoring the scientists pleas, the activists release a chimpanzee, who attacks one of them and immediately infects her causing her to attack and infect everyone else present.28 days later, in London, Jim Cillian Murphy, a bicycle courier, awakens from a coma in St Thomas Hospital. He finds the entire hospital deserted and wanders on the streets of London, finding it deserted as well, with signs of catastrophe everywhere. Desperate, he wanders into a church, where he finds a priest. Jim tries to approach him, only to be attacked by the priest who turns out to be infected. He is soon attacked by more infected as well, but is rescued by Selena Naomie Harris and Mark Noah Huntley. ........
Source: Wikipedia