A Fish Called Wanda

A Fish Called Wanda is a 1988 heistcomedy film written by John Cleese and Charles Crichton. It was directed by Crichton it was his final film and stars Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline, and Michael Palin. Kline won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance as Otto. Cleese and Palin won BAFTA Awards for Best Lead and Best Supporting for their acting.

Londonbased gangster George Thomason and his righthand man, Ken Pile, an animal lover with a bad stutter, plan a jewel heist. They bring in two Americans to help con artist Wanda Gershwitz and weapons man Otto West, a loudmouthed Anglophobe who fancies himself an intellectual and hates being correctly called stupid. Wanda and Otto are lovers, but they hide this from George and Ken, pretending to be brother and sister, so Wanda can work her charms on them. The robbery goes well, and the thieves get away with a large sum in diamonds. However, they are briefly spotted during their getaway by Mrs. Coady, an elderly lady walking her three dogs. The group then hide the loot in a safe in an old workshop. Soon after, Wanda and Otto betray George to the police and he is arrested. They return to collect the loot, with Wanda planning to doublecross Otto as well, only to find that George has moved it. Wanda decides to seduce Georges barrister, Archie Leach, so that he can persuade George to plead guilty and give up the location of the diamonds. Unhappily married, Leach is browbeaten by his vindictive wife, Wendy, and spoiled daughter, Portia, and he quickly comes under the spell of Wandas charms.Otto is insanely jealous, and his interference, combined with instances of bad luck, causes Wanda and Archies attempted liaisons at his friends flat to go disastrously wrong. Wanda reveals that she likes Archie but would stay only with a rich man. Archie eventually calls off their attempted affair when a family walk into the flat, having agreed a new tenancy without his knowledge. Meanwhile, George gives Ken the task of killing Mrs. Coady, the Crowns only eyewitness. During his various attempts to murder her, Ken accidentally kills off her three Yorkshire Terriers one by one. This causes him great grief, as well as suffering bodily harm as each attempt goes wrong. When he kills the last of her dogs, Mrs. Coady suffers a fatal heart attack, and finally Ken is successful in his mission.

Source: Wikipedia