A Horrible Way to Die

A Horrible Way to Die is a 2010 American horror film written by Simon Barrett, directed by Adam Wingard, and produced by Travis Stevens, Simon Barrett, and Kim Sherman. The film follows the journey of an escaped serial killer as he chases down his exgirlfriend. It had its world premiere at the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival Vanguard program where it was picked up for distribution by Anchor Bay Entertainment. It also played at Fantastic Fest where it received three major awards Best Screenplay for Simon Barrett, Best Actor for AJ Bowen and Best Actress for Amy Seimetz.

A Horrible Way to Die debuted onSeptember 2010 at the Toronto International Film Festival and opened in other film festivals on the dates given below.The film has been shown as a special Valentines Day screening at the independent Showroom cinema in Sheffield, UK. ........

Source: Wikipedia