A Muppets Christmas Letters to Santa is a 2008 NBC television special, directed by Kirk Thatcher and produced by The Muppets Studio, featuring The Muppets in a Christmas mission to personally deliver three letters to Santa, accidentally diverted by Gonzo, to the North Pole. The special, shot in Brooklyn and Midtown Manhattan, was released by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment on DVD.
The Muppets end up getting tickets from a North Pole Airlines clerk named Joy Uma Thurman and getting caught by a bitter security guard Officer Frank Meany Nathan Lane who for being a bully perpetually ended up on Santas naughty list. He and Bobo the Bear allow the Muppets to pass through.They eventually reach the North Pole, only to find out that Santa has already left to deliver the presents. Santa overhears their grieving and returns. While on a sleigh ride, they hand him Claires letter and the other two which are revealed to have come from Frank Meany who wants to be taken off the naughty list and Pepe the King Prawn. Santa brings them home to New York in time to spend the rest of the holiday with Claire and her mom, which was all Claire wanted in the first place. ........
Source: Wikipedia