The Adventures of the Scrabble People in A Pumpkin Full of Nonsense is an animated television special from 1985, made at Jaime Diaz Studios in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was produced and directed by Alvaro Arce, and codirected by Jaime Diaz. In the special, a character called Sir Scrabble and two children travel to a land called Nonsense, where education has been forbidden. Sir Scrabble teams up with the residents to defeat an evil ruler, the Muddler, through the power of learning and spelling.
Sir Scrabble, a resident of a magical town known as Nonsense, follows a boy named Tad and a girl named Terry on the way to a Halloween party. Coming across a pumpkin patch, they stumble upon an enormous pumpkin and land right into the town. There, they discover that the signs nearby have missing or scrambled letters. As it turns out, a nemesis called the MuddlerBaron of Bad Guys, Count of Confusion, Earl of Errors and King of Chaos as he is dubbedhas rid the land of all education and vowels. This has greatly oppressed the Scrabble People, a group of youngsters who live there.Sir Scrabble insists on teaching the alphabet to Nonsenses residents, but the Muddler imprisons him for that this satisfies Rotunda, the evil rulers daughter. The towndwellers learning and spelling skills, along with a teacher named Lexathe areas only literate residentcome to Sir Scrabbles rescue and set him free. They and the human visitors eventually defeat the Muddler, and Nonsense is eventually renamed Makesense. Afterward, Tad, Terry and Mr. Scrabble head over to their party. ........
Source: Wikipedia