A Man to Remember is a 1938 American drama film directed by Garson Kanin, his first film credit as a director. The picture was based on the novel The Failure, written by Katharine HavilandTaylor, and the screenplay was penned by Dalton Trumbo. The story tells of a saintly small town doctor working under difficult circumstances somewhere in the United States after World War I. The movie is a remake of One Mans Journey 1933 starring Lionel Barrymore.
Widowed, Dr. Abbott arrives in Westport with his son Dick Lee Bowman after World War I. He borrows money in order to set up his medical practice. He delivers a healthy baby, Jean Anne Shirley, but the mother dies. When her father does not want her, the doctor adopts the child.Later, Ramsey tries to collect what he is owed from Abbott, only to find that Abbott has a hefty 100 bill for him for a lifesaving operation. When Ramsey complains about the amount, the goodnatured doctor settles for a mere 2. ........
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