A Thousand Words (film)

A Thousand Words is a 2012 comedydrama film starring Eddie Murphy and directed by Brian Robbins. It was released in theaters on March 9, 2012, four years after it was filmed in 2008. The film was a critical and commercial failure.

With Jack forced to pick and choose his words, communicating with others becomes difficult and full of misunderstandings. These misunderstandings cost him two book deals, his job, and his wife Kerry Washington. She walks out on him when she thinks his sudden silence is due to him not loving her anymore. When he tries to explain the tree to her, she doesnt believe him. Only Jacks assistant Aaron Clark Duke realizes he is telling the truth, and goes to Jacks house to keep track of how many leaves remain. Jack then donates some of his money to charity, and drinks a lot of alcohol in the night, causing him to sing a lot, thus making the tree lose lots of leaves. Only when Aaron confronted him and tackled him to the ground does Jack stop speaking.With his life falling apart and the tree running out of leaves, Jack confronts Dr. Sinja and asks how to end the curse. The guru tells him to make peace in all of his relationships. With just one branch of leaves left, Jack tries to reconcile with his wife, but she remains hesitant. He visits his mother Ruby Dee, who lives in an assistedliving center and has dementia. She tells Jack, who she thinks is Jacks late father Raymond, that she wishes Jack would stop being angry at his father for walking out on them when he was a kid. Jack, realizing that this is the relationship that needs the most mending, goes to visit his fathers grave. Jack expends the last three leaves of the tree with the words, I forgive you. With no leaves remaining, Jack suffers a heart attack in a storm and appears to have died. Jacks cellphone rings, and it is Aaron. Jack, who is still alive, answers his phone. Aaron tells him that the trees leaves have magically reappeared and Jack can now talk freely again. ........

Source: Wikipedia