Aarzoo is a Bollywood film released in 1999. The movie directed by Lawrence DSouza stars Akshay Kumar, Madhuri Dixit, Saif Ali Khan, Amrish Puri, Paresh Rawal and Reema Lagoo. The film was primarily filmed in Mumbai but some scenes were filmed in London and Edinburgh.
However, Pooja has fallen in love with Vijay Khanna Akshay Kumar, a pilot. Her father, though, is bitterly opposed with their intention of marriage, as he has already promised Amar that he will marry Pooja. After some convincing from Amar and Parvati, Dayashankar succumbs to his daughters wishes. Amar is heartbroken but puts on a brave face at the engagement. However tragedy strikes when Vijay is killed while piloting a plane.Pooja goes into depression and finds out she is pregnant with Vijays child. Her father convinces her to marry Amar, who willingly accepts her and becomes the father to her child. Pooja gives birth to a healthy boy and maintains a friendly relationship with her nowhusband, Amar. When Pooja realises that Amar has always loved her, she begins to love him too. ........
Source: Wikipedia