Action 3D is a 2013 Indian Telugu comedy film in 3D. The film is directed by Anil Sunkara and features an ensemble cast of Allari Naresh, Shaam, Vaibhav, Raju Sundaram, Neelam Upadhyaya. Sneha Ullal, Kamna Jethmalani and Sheena Shahabadi. This film is an adaptation of Todd Phillipss The Hangover. It has been dubbed in Tamil as Aasu Raja Rani Jackie Matrum Joker.
The Tamil version of the film was titled as Aasu Raja Rani Jackie Matrum Joker and the Telugu version was titled as Action, with both versions being launched at Karnataka School located in T Nagar, Chennai onMarch 2012, with Tamil Nadu Governor K. Rosaiah gracing the event as chief guest. The film is expected to be shot across the USA and Thailand. While shooting at Hyderabad, the lead actor Shaam reportedly did a nude scene, where the actor is required to run into a lake in the nude for a comic scene as per the scripts requirement. Since 3D Camera does not support Zoomin, Naresh had to use 78 retakes to complete a fight shot jumping six feet in the air to land a punch which should end exactlyfeet from the camera fromPM toAM. Also, Naresh and Neelam Upadhyay shot the remix of the song Swati Mutyapu Jallulo, from Nagarjunas Prema Yuddham, which gained a cult status in those days. The films filming and postproduction activities were wrapped up onJune 2013 and a function was held in regard of this fact. However, apart from Multiplexes and A Centers, the film is releasing in 3D even in C Centers using Anaglyph 3D technology to overcome poor infrastructure in C centers for which special glasses were imported from China. After getting feedback from the audience on the day of release,minutes of film were edited out of the second half.Oneindia Entertainment gave a review of ratingstating Watch it for the fun of it. Enjoy a 3D Telugu film with good enough acting, Action 3D. many adaptations from hollywood Hangover and bollywood Dhamaal. ........
Source: Wikipedia