
Surya S Kirana

The story opens at a railway station where the director is narrating the different kinds of arguments and fights that happen at a railway station. The scene then shifts to a couple standing on a bridge over the tracks. The story soon moves into the lives of the couple who are fighting. Arjun Dhruva Sarja is seen having a heated argument with Poorna Radhika Pandit. Although it is not made clear as to why they are fighting, it is understood that they are lovers and Arjun is trying to patch up with Poorna.Arjun tries valiantly to patch up with Poorna, who is vehemently denying his every apology and request to reconcile. Their argument soon enters into a situation where Arjun is forced to lie to stop Poorna from abandoning him and leave to Delhi. So, after befriending the ticket master Tabla Nani, who helps his cause by giving Poorna a delayed ticket, Arjun feels that he has a chance to win back his love in justSix days. Arjun challenges Poorna that he can win her back if she agrees to be with him for these lastdays, in which he wants her to accompany her to all the places they had been as lovers before. Poorna reluctantly agrees, and the story now runs on two tracks where the director shows how close Arjun and Poorna were when they were together and how they are at present. ........

Source: Wikipedia