Aftermath is a 1994 Spanish horror short film written and directed by Nacho Cerd. Containing no spoken dialogue, Aftermath is the second installment in a trilogy of shorts by Cerd, preceded by 1990s The Awakening, and followed by 1998s Genesis.
Aroused by Marta, the mortician locks himself in the morgue with her body, undresses it, removes the brain, and caresses it with a knife, which he uses to mutilate Martas vagina, and cut open her torso. The mortician masturbates to orgasm while fondling Martas breasts and innards, then takes photographs of his handiwork. Unable to contain his lust any longer, the mortician engages in necrophilia, after setting his camera on automatic to record the event.Afterward, the mortician autopsies Marta, cleans up, and leaves. In his home, the pajamaclad mortician blends Martas stolen heart into a pulp, which he gives to his dog before proceeding to relax in his sitting room. As a babys cries emanate from the television, the scraps of newspaper the dog is eating the heart off of are shown to contain Martas obituary. ........
Source: Wikipedia