Agnes Browne

Agnes Browne is a 1999 AmericanIrish romantic comedydrama film directed, produced by, and starring Anjelica Huston, based on the book The Mammy by Brendan OCarroll.

Wishing to escape her troubles, if only for a short time, Agnes dreams of finding enough money to attend an upcoming Tom Jones concert. Agneses dream is realized when Marion secretly buys two tickets and gives them to her. Agnes also accepts the offer of a date with a French baker named Pierre. Her children pool their money together and buy her a new dress to wear on the date. Marion soon discovers an ominous lump in her breast, which proves fatal.Eventually the family has to face the loan shark. Mr. Billy warns Agnes that she has until Christmas to pay him back or he will strip her house of her furniture. On Christmas Day, Agnes receives a letter stating she can collect the money from the hotel where her husband worked. She holds off Mr. Billy and sends her children to the hotel, where they meet Tom Jones and tell him their story. Tom then visits Agnes in her home, helps her pay off Mr. Billy, and carries off her and the children to the concert in his cab. At the concert, Tom Jones dedicates his song Shes a Lady to Agnes. ........

Source: Wikipedia