
Agnipankh The Wings of Fire in Hindi is an Indian film directed by Sanjiv Puri about pilots in the Indian Air Force. It was released in 2004.

The soap opera motif is quickly dispensed with when Pakistani forces led by their military dictator invade Kashmir, sparking off the Kargil War and resulting in the Indian Air Force being deployed. Some of the pilots die while others are captured by the enemy. Siddharth and Sameer become POWs in enemy territory During an Aerial attack on a Pakistan Army Fuel Depot. While they are held in a POW camp they meet other POWs from the Previous Indo Pakistan Wars. During a Prison Breakout both Sameer and Siddharth manage to steal Important documents detailing Pakistans Military Offensive plans. During their Breakout They meet Vishal, who was presumed dead, but was, in fact, hiding from enemy soldiers. They escape imprisonment and head towards India through the jungle with Pakistani Rangers chasing them for the kill.

Source: Wikipedia