
Aithe is a critically acclaimed 2003 Telugu comedy thriller film written and directed by Chandra Sekhar Yeleti. The film is Yeletis debut as director in Telugu cinema.

For the hijack operation, he organised a group of four intelligent men who were in dire need for money and who do not have a criminal record. The audience is made to believe in the beginning that the four central characters are these four men, but in fact they kidnap Khan before the flight takes off, aiming to get the prize money.They hide Khan in a forest and call the Assistant Commissioner of Police, who is a double agent for the mafia. When the ACP does not yieldas he wants them to release Khan, one of the four, Kumar, does a deal with the Mafia and obtains a bag withcrore. However, the bag in which the money is kept in has a bomb in it. When Kumar tells the others that he has done this, they back out, and he also joins with them, just in time. ........

Source: Wikipedia