Aldemaro Romero Jr.

Aldemaro Romero Jr. is a VenezuelanAmerican scientist, communicator, and advocate of liberal arts education. He has published more than 800 works, more thanbooks and monographs, and produced, directed, written andor hosted more than 1500 radio shows and 50 TV shows and documentaries in areas ranging from science to history and philosophy. He is known for his approaches of combining field, laboratory and archival studies from different disciplines.

Aldemaro Romero Jr. was born in Caracas, Venezuela, the son of Venezuelan composer, pianist, and orchestra conductor Aldemaro Romero Sr. and his wife, Margot Daz Saavedra de Romero. While listening to one his fathers records at home when he was 4160years old, his father saw him mimicking a conductors mannerisms and had him appear on a live TV show conducting his orchestra. That and other TV appearances made him a celebrity in Venezuela even performing in movies conducting an orchestra. In adult life Romero never pursued a professional career as a musician but continued performing as an amateur.

Source: Wikipedia