Alexander Inglis

Alexander Inglis was a Scottish cleric and royal clerk. He was the son of one George Inglis and his wife Margeret. At some point in his life he had attended university and obtained a Licentiate in Decrees. In 1477 he became Dean of the diocese of Dunkeld, and in 1480 became Archdeacon of St Andrews. OnSeptember 1483, after the death of Bishop James Livingston, he was elected to succeed the latter as Bishop of Dunkeld. Inglis ran into difficulty onOctober, when the Chancellor of the diocese of Aberdeen, George Brown, was also provided as Bishop of Dunkeld. Inglis was styled Bishopelect in Scotland until 1485, but onJune 1484, Brown had been consecrated at the Papal see. Inglis continued to hold his previous posts as Archdeacon and Dean until his death in 1496.


Source: Wikipedia