Alpha Dog is a 2006 American crime drama film written and directed by Nick Cassavetes, first screened at the Sundance Film Festival on January 27, 2006, with a wide release the following year on January 12, 2007. Starring Emile Hirsch, Justin Timberlake, Ben Foster, Shawn Hatosy, Anton Yelchin, Olivia Wilde, Amanda Seyfried with Harry Dean Stanton, Sharon Stone, and Bruce Willis, the film is based on the true story of the murder of Nicholas Markowitz and related events in 2000.
Wanting a break from his home life, Zack makes no effort to escape. Johnny pawns Zack off on Frankie, who offers him a chance to escape, but Zack declines the offer, not wanting to cause any trouble for his brother. Zack stays with Frankie at his fathers house, and the two strike up an unlikely friendship. The next day, he ingratiates himself with Frankies friends, including Keith Stratten, Susan Hartunian, and Julie Beckley, the youngest member of the group. A number of friends of the gang learn of Zacks kidnapping, though Susan is the only one who seems concerned.Frankie grows nervous when Johnny tells him they could be in serious trouble for the kidnapping and hypothetically offers him 2,500 to murder Zack. Frankie furiously declines and Johnny claims it was just a joke. Instead, Johnny agrees to Frankies plan to pay Zack to keep his mouth shut. However, after a threatening phone call from Jake, and a phone call from his lawyer who reveals he could face life in prison for kidnapping, he decides the risk of ending up dead or in prison is too great to let Zack go. Johnny calls his associate Elvis Schmidt and offers to erase his drug debt if he kills Zack. Frankie and his friends still believe Zack will be returning home at the end of the night and throw a raucous going away party. Zack has a good time at the party and later goes skinnydipping with Julie and her friend Alma in the pool, which leads to a threesome. After the party, Julie gives Zack her number and Alma gives him a goodbye kiss on the cheek. ........
Source: Wikipedia