American Faust: From Condi to Neo Condi

American Faust From Condi to NeoCondi is a 2009 documentary film by British filmmaker Sebastian Doggart that portrays the life and career of former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

The film tells the story of Rices life from her birth in 1954 to her 2009 departure from office as Secretary of State, and her return to Stanford University. Rice is a key interviewee in the film she speaks about her roots in racially explosive Birmingham her shortlived music career her fascination with Joseph Stalin and Ronald Reagan her close friendship with George W. Bush right up to a defense of her record in government. The film gives voice to numerous supporters of Rice, including both Presidents Bush her stepmother Clara Bailey Rice Oprah Winfrey who remarks that Ive never been more proud to say the word WOMAN than after meeting Condoleezza Rice mentor and later critic, Brent Scowcroft her former fianc, Rick Upchurch John McCain who praises her as a great American former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger Dick Cheney and Arnold Schwarzenegger.The film charts Rices discovery of her love of politics at the University of Denver, and her pursuit and use of power. The titles reference to Faust echoes allegations made by various interviewees in the film that she sacrificed her principles in exchange for political power. Author Laura Flanders relates how she rolled back affirmative action policies while Stanford University Provost, and how she was such a loyal board member for Chevron despite its involvement with the Nigerian government in violently repressing Ogoni tribespeople that they named an oil tanker after her. Her record as National Security Advisor is attacked by CIA Director George Tenet, CounterTerrorism chief 19922003 Richard Clarke and author Philip Shenon. They allege that she ignored various warnings in the spring and summer of 2001 that an Al Qaeda attack was about to happen. Shenon alleges that it was both incompetence and negligence. Rice responds to these allegations I just dont buy the argument that we werent shaking the trees enough and that something was gonna to fall out that gave us somehow that little piece of information that would have l

Source: Wikipedia