American Pie Presents Beta House is a 2007 American teen comedy film released by Universal Pictures. It is the third installment in the American Pie Presents series and sixth installment in the American Pie franchise overall. The film concludes a story arc that begins with The Naked Mile 2006. John White stars as Erik Stifler, a college freshman who pledges the Beta House fraternity led by his cousin Dwight Stifler Steve Talley. Christopher McDonald costars as Eriks father and Eugene Levy plays Beta House alumnus Noah Levenstein.
Erik Stifler and Mike Cooze Coozeman arrive at the University of Michigan as freshmen. Upon arriving at his dorm, Erik meets a girl named Ashley while she is taking a shower in the coed bathrooms. He then meets his new roommate Bobby and his girlfriend Margie while they are having sex. Erik eventually reunites with his cousin, Dwight Stifler, the leader of the Beta House fraternity, who invites Erik, Cooze, and Bobby to a Beta House party. They learn how they can gain eligibility to pledge for the Beta House and meet Wesley, the rush chair of the Beta House who experiences blackouts after drinking alcohol. Erik and Ashley begin dating, but on their first date at a restaurant, Erik accidentally spills hot soup on his legs, so Ashley brings him to her room to clean up. As Ashley rubs lotion on Eriks thigh, he develops an erection and accidentally ejaculates over her possessions. Erik apologizes and explains to Ashley that his girlfriend Tracy broke up with him, and he has not had sex in four months.Meanwhile, Cooze falls in love with Ashleys roommate Denise however, she is nervous to show him her genitalia and have sex with him, so she instead gives Cooze a handjob. After talking with Erik, Bobby, and Dwight about Denise, Cooze develops suspicions that Denise might have a penis, so Dwight encourages Cooze to find out. Alongside two other pledges, Erik, Cooze, and Bobby complete fifty tasks to pledge the Beta House, including getting their posteriors signed by a stripper having sex with a professor marrying a male friend in Canada and placing a live ostrich in the Geek House. After they complete their final task, Edgar, the president of the Geek House, challenges the Beta House to the Greek Olympiad. Beta House alumnus Noah Levenstein returns to campus to officiate the competition. The first competition is won by Beta House as Dwight and Edgar compete in removing girls brassieres. Geek House win the next two competitions a lightsaber duel and catching a greased pig. .
Source: Wikipedia