Amish Grace

Amish Grace is a television film that premiered on the Lifetime Movie Network on Palm Sunday, March 28, 2010. The movie is based on the 2006 Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, West Nickel Mines School shooting and the spirit of forgiveness the Amish community demonstrated in its aftermath.

When a group of Amish schoolgirls are taken hostage and killed in their classroom, their parents and the Amish community of Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, stun the outside world by immediately forgiving the killer. Ida Graber Kimberly WilliamsPaisley, mother of one of the murdered children, has a tougher time than the others accepting the tragedy, but in her anguish and pain, she begins a personal journey of renewed faith, ultimately accepting the heartwrenching tragedy of losing a child after learning that her murdered daughter, Mary Beth Graber, had promised to pray for the perpetrator before her death reconnecting with her husband Matt Letscher, family, and community offering forgiveness to the killer and even showing kindness and compassion to the killers widow Tammy Blanchard and children all in the form of Amish Grace.The film implies that Charles Roberts motive was that when his daughter died the day she was born he decided to get revenge on God by taking his girls. ........

Source: Wikipedia