Android Re Enactment

Android ReEnactment is a 2011 Canadian science fiction film directed by Darryl Shaw and starring Jeff Sinasac, Adam Buller, and Sarah Silverthorne.

Ermus Daglek Jeff Sinasac, retired Empathtek Socionics Engineer, uses the defunct factory hes been given by the company in exchange for waiving the rights to his residuals, to manufacture androids based on his lost love, Candy Droober Sarah Silverthorne, her father, Franklin Droober Bill Poulin, her mother, Maureen Droober Melissa Cline, and his romantic rival, Trace Mayter Adam Buller. Deciding that the key moment where he lost any chance of becoming Candys lover was a dinner party where the real life Trace Mayter humiliated Ermus in front of Candy and her family, he recreates Candys dining room in a test lab, and goes about simulating the dinner several times, trying different conversational tactics and outfits.Frustrated that no attempt yields any result but Candy and Trace becoming lovers, he reprograms the Franklin android to murder the Trace android over dinner. Having vented his anger, Ermus repairs Trace and goes back to new simulations, unaware that the damage inflicted by Franklin has set off malfunctions in Trace, gradually allowing him to remember the prior simulations and realize what and who he is. ........

Source: Wikipedia