Anesthesia is a 2015 independent drama film written, produced and directed by Tim Blake Nelson. Nelson stars in the film with Sam Waterston, Kristen Stewart, Glenn Close, Gretchen Mol, and Corey Stoll. The film premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival on April 22, 2015. The film was released in a limited release and through video on demand on January 8, 2016 by IFC Films.
The film had its world premiere at 2015 Tribeca Film Festival on April 22, 2015. Shortly after, IFC Films acquired U.S distribution rights. The film was released in a limited release and through video on demand on January 8, 2016.On Rotten Tomatoes, Anesthesia has a score of 47, an average rating of 5.210, based onreviews. Metacritic gives the film a score of 58 out of 100, sampled fromreviews, signifying mixed or average reviews. ........
Source: Wikipedia