Angel John is a 2009 Malayalam drama thriller comedy film directed by Jayasurya and starring Mohanlal and Shanthnoo Bhagyaraj, who is making his debut in Malayalam. The cast also includes Vijayaraghavan, Lalu Alex, Jagathy Sreekumar, Salim Kumar, Ambika and Nithya Menon. Plot of the film has got small resemblance to Its a Wonderful Life 1946 and Jim Carrey film Bruce Almighty 2003.
He is the only son of Joseph Lalu Alex a Banker and Mary Ambika who dotes on him. The only person who has a soft corner for him is the beautiful Sofia Nithya Menon who has a limp and is the daughter of a failed filmmaker Kuruvilla Vijayaraghavan.Maradonna messes up his life by getting into company of friends and starting an internet caf that fails and to recoup his losses and attracted by easy money he gets into drugs. Soon he is conned and loses everything after pledging his house to a blade moneylender Salim Kumar. ........
Source: Wikipedia