Apartment for Peggy

Apartment for Peggy is a 1948 American comedydrama film about a depressed professor whose spirits are lifted when he rents part of his home to a young couple. It was based on the novelette An Apartment for Jenny by Faith Baldwin. Campus exteriors were filmed at the University of Nevada, Reno.

The young couple move in and disrupt the usual peace and quiet of Henrys home. At first Henry is upset by the noise and chaos, but they all work through the tensions and end up making an impromptu family. Jason and Peggy help with the house chores and Peggy starts calling Henry Pop. Peggy also finds new work for Henry, having him teach a free class for the G.I. Bill students wives, who are worried about being left behind by their newly educated husbands. However, Henry is still planning to commit suicide on March 1, saving up the pills he gets two at a time from the doctor. Meanwhile, Jason, who is having trouble in his chemistry class and is worried about money, is considering quitting school to take a job selling used cars in Chicago. Peggy then suddenly has a miscarriage, saddening them all. Henry tells Peggy that he had planned to commit suicide, but has changed his mind.Jason quits school and moves to Chicago to sell cars, leaving a depressed Peggy behind to recover at Henrys house. Dr. Philip tells Henry that Peggys illness is not healthrelated but rather stems from her disappointment that Jason gave up his dream. Henry contacts Jason and tries to talk him into returning to school. Henry thinks his efforts have failed, but unbeknownst to Henry and Peggy, Jason secretly returns to try to pass his exams. He does well on them all, except his most difficult subject, chemistry. Halfway through the exam, he almost gives up in frustration, but is talked out of it by his chemistry professor, who turns out to also be a Navy veteran. With the professors encouragement, Jason passes the chemistry exam. ........

Source: Wikipedia