Bla Biszku was a Hungarian communist politician, who served as Minister of the Interior from 1957 to 1961. He was charged of suspicion of committing war crimes during the suppression of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, becoming the first and to date only former topofficial in Hungary who has been prosecuted because of political role in the communist era.
Bla Biszku was born in Mrok, Bereg County onSeptember 1921 as the son of Gyrgy Biszku and Etelka Debreczeni, who were farm workers. After finishing six years of elementary studies and four years of state civil school, he came afterwards to the locksmiths apprenticeship for the Wertheim Elevator amp Machine Manufacture in 1937. Already in 1938 Biszku was active in the youth organisation of the metalworkers in the workers area of Angyalfld in Budapest. From 1941 to 1942, he worked at Marx amp Mrei Scientific Instruments Plant, and from 1942 to 1945, he was employed by Hungarian Philips Works. In 1943, Biszku joined Vasas Szakszervezet, the metalworkers trade union and participated energetically in organizing work.
Source: Wikipedia