
BabaKiueria also known under the videotitle BabaKiueria Barbeque Area is a 1986 Australian satirical film on relations between Aboriginal Australians and Australians of European descent.

The opening scene depicts a group of Aboriginal Australians in military uniforms coming ashore in a land they have not previously been to. In this land, they discover a number of European Australians engaged in stereotypical European Australian activities. The Aboriginal Australian explorers approach the group and the expeditions leader asks them, What do you call this place? One of the Europeans replies, Er... Barbecue Area.After around 200 years of Aboriginal occupation, white Australians have become a minority. Aboriginal people have assumed power, taken all of the available land and have mostly confined whites to suburban ghettos. They are expected to follow the laws and customs of the colonisers and their lifestyle is seen through the patronizing eyes of the majority culture. The latest manifestation of this is in a documentary presented by Duranga Manika Michelle Torres. ........

Source: Wikipedia