Baby Blood titled The Evil Within in the United States is a French horror film directed and cowritten by Alain Robak. The film is about a pregnant woman named Yanka Emmanuelle Escourrou whose womb is invaded by a parasite. The organism transforms her fetus into a monster that desires human blood. Yanka heeds the demand of blood for the creature until it requests to be carried to the sea where it was originally spawned.
A snakelike parasite crawls into the uterus of an abused woman and circus performer named Yanka Emmanuelle Escourrou. The parasite demands human blood from Yanka who is first reluctant, but then finds that the only relationship she has is with the parasite. Yanka commits murders to devour the victims blood in order to nurture the parasite. The parasite tells her that it is a creature that will replace man as the dominant species on the planet in five million years, and must be released in the ocean. The creature is eventually released in the sea where it abandons Yanka.Baby Blood was directed by Alain Robak who found that the interest in films of the fantastique genre had increased in France, and desired to make a film in this style as he was a fan of bmovies. Despite a proposed lowbudget film, Robak initially had trouble finding producers to back the film, but received help when he got associated with producer Ariel Zeitoun. ........
Source: Wikipedia