Baby Cakes (film)

Baby Cakes is a 1989 television movie starring Ricki Lake and Craig Sheffer. It was released on Valentines Day in 1989 and is currently aired sporadically on Lifetime and Lifetime Movie Network.

Grace goes back to being depressed and lonely and her father finally takes notice and tells her the truth about how her Mother died Suicide He was mainly worried about Grace because she looks a lot like her plus her Mother like her struggled with her weight and he felt that the struggle was what lead to her depression and eventual suicide and he was worried that Grace would end up following in the same fate. Grace later decides to quit being afraid of what the world thinks of her and to follow her own dreams and applies to beauty school to become a full fledged beautician and hairstylist.The story concludes with Rob realizing that Olivia refuses to accept him as he is and that he truly loves Grace. ........

Source: Wikipedia