Bachelor Party Vegas is a comedy film that was released in 2006 starring Kal Penn, Jonathan Bennett, Charlie Spiller, Diora Baird and Donald Faison. In Australia and the UK it was released under the title Vegas Baby.
Limousines, paint ball, strippers, sex toys, alcohol, debauchery and gambling are on the agenda until they discover that Mr. Kidd Vincent Pastore, their Bachelor Party Planner, is a bank robber planning to heist the casino setting off a chain of events that turns their night into living hell. Running away from the police, the casino security, and murderous Hells Angels, the five friends are falsely accused of robbing a casino, stalked by a porn stars prizefighter boyfriend Chuck Liddell, mugged by a female Elvis impersonator Kathy Griffin, arrested, thrown in jail, and survive many other misadventures, until finally, it seems that their own deaths are in the cards.
Source: Wikipedia