Bamboozled is a 2000 satirical film written and directed by Spike Lee about a modern televised minstrel show featuring black actors donning blackface makeup and the violent fall out from the shows success. The film was given a limited release by New Line Cinema during the fall of 2000, and was released on DVD the following year.
In an effort to escape his contract through being fired, Delacroix develops a minstrel show with the help of his personal assistant Sloane Hopkins. Mantan The New Millennium Minstrel Show features black actors in blackface, extremely racist jokes and puns, and offensively stereotyped CGIanimated cartoons that caricature the leading stars of the new show. Delacroix and Hopkins recruit two impoverished street performers Manray, named after American artist Man Ray, and Womack to star in the show. While Womack is horrified when Delacroix tells him details about the show, Manray sees it as his big chance to become rich and famous for his tapdancing skills.To Delacroixs horror, not only does Dunwitty enthusiastically endorse the show, it also becomes hugely successful. As soon as the show premieres, Manray and Womack become big stars, while Delacroix, contrary to his original stated intent, defends the show as being satirical. Delacroix quickly embraces the show, his newfound fame and awards while Hopkins becomes horrified at the racist nightmare she has helped to unleash. Meanwhile, an underground, militant rap group called the Mau Maus, led by Hopkins older brother Julius, becomes increasingly angry at the content of the show. Though they had earlier unsuccessfully auditioned for the programs live band position, the group plan to bring the show down using violence. ........
Source: Wikipedia