Bara no Konrei ~Mayonaka ni Kawashita Yakusoku~

Bara no Konrei Mayonaka ni Kawashita Yakusoku ? Wedding Rose The Promise Exchanged at Midnight is a movie released by Malice Mizer on March 22, 2002. It is a silent film with a storyline similar to Dracula and other vampirebased stories with Japanese and English captions for dialogue. Malice Mizers final album, Bara no Seidou, along with the song Zenchou from the previous album Voyage Sans Retour, serves as the background score. Some of the tracks had been altered slightly to fit the pace of the movie and the scene. Many parts of the story especially in the beginning are flashbacks.

Meanwhile, back in London, Cecil starts having dreams about the Earl of Dracula. She confesses those dreams to Mana, disguised as a nun, who tells her to pray about it. During Klahas stay, she, unaware that Klaha is already going back, receives a letter seemingly in Klahas hand, but probably written by the Earl informing her that Klaha must stay an additional night, thus upsetting her. On the night that Klaha is returning, Kzi visits Cecil to drink her blood as he had done with other victims a move that he regrets. The Earl, however, sees this occur, and sends Mana to stop him. After a confrontation in which she uses roses as knives, Kzi demands to know why she is attacking him Mana tells him that Cecil is the Earls Virgin Bride. At hearing this, Kzi realises that the Earl wants to remain immortal. After a flashback which reveals their pasts see above, Kzi calls Mana a hypocrite, since she sold her soul for revenge. Mana responds, I believe in God so I can keep my selfrespect hearing this, Kzi leaves in anger.Several nights later, the Earls coffin arrives at the Church. The Earl wakes up, and Mana brings him a girl not Cecil. He bites the girls neck, and immediately, he gains his youthful appearance back. He then proceeds to kill the deliverymen who brought him in. The next day, he darkens the day sky and meets Cecil, who he immediately recognises by her respective locket which has a photo of Klaha he reappears during that moment to give her locket back to her. That same evening, the Earl finally visits Cecil. After several moments, the Earl bites down her neck. Two nights later, she finally realises that Klaha was on his way back, and attempts suicide, but is saved by the Earl. ........

Source: Wikipedia