Beast from Haunted Cave

Beast from Haunted Cave is a 1959 horrorheist film directed by Monte Hellman and starring Michael Forest, Frank Wolff and Richard Sinatra. Filmed in South Dakota at the same time as Ski Troop Attack, it tells the story of bank robbers fleeing in the snow who run afoul of a giant spiderlike monster that feeds on humans. The film was released as a double feature with The Wasp Woman 1959.

A group of criminals, led by the ruthless Alexander Ward Wolff, hatch a plan to steal gold bars from a bank vault in Deadwood, South Dakota. Ward sends one of his henchmen, Marty Sinatra, to set an explosive in a nearby gold mine the detonation will act as a diversion for their heist. Although Marty, accompanied by a local barmaid Linn Ahlstrand, succeeds in setting the explosive, he encounters a beast Chris Robinson in the mine. The beast kills the barmaid, but Marty escapes with his life.The next morning, the explosive goes off as planned, and Marty and his gang succeed in stealing gold bars from the vault. They set off to a remote cabin, led by a local guide named Gil Jackson Forest, where they hope to be picked up by a plane. Gil is initially unaware of their plans, but he becomes suspicious when he hears reports of the robbery on the radio and discovers that theyre carrying handguns. They reach the cabin without incident, but once there, a violent snowstorm delays the planes arrival. Martys secretary Gypsy Sheila Noonan is taken by the young Gil and tells him that Marty plans to kill him once the plane arrives. Gil and Gypsy take off back to town together. ........

Source: Wikipedia