Beno%C3%AEt Lalibert%C3%A9

Benot Lalibert is a Canadian entrepreneur. He is the founder of JITEC, tliPhone Corp., New York Telecom Exchange Inc., and is currently President and CEO of Investel Capital Corp. Lalibert gained some notoriety in Quebec with JITEC, a public company which at its peak in 2000 was worth CDN575 million, which lost a significant amount of its value in a matter of weeks under allegations of inappropriate transactions. It was also one of the first cases dealt with by the newly formed Autorit des marchs financiers , formed by the Government of Quebec to consolidate five provincial regulatory agencies.

Benot Lalibert was born in MontSaintHilaire, Qubec, Canada. He started his own business called JITEC in 1986 at the age of fourteen, building computer systems in his basement for friends and family. He dropped out of high school to work fulltime on JITEC. After working at JITEC for several years as sole proprietorship, he incorporated the company in 1992 and began to sell computers, software and related components in Canada.

Source: Wikipedia