Bhagyadevatha Malayalam English The Goddess of Luck is a 2009 Malayalam film directed by Sathyan Anthikkad. The movie features Jayaram, Kanika, Narain, and Innocent. This movie was mainly shot around the scenic Kuttanad region in Kerala.
One day, Benny comes to know that Daisy has won a lottery for two crore rupees. He tries to woo Daisy back since she is now a rich woman. However, she spurns all his attempts. Benny develops a suspicion that she is thinking of remarriage. Meanwhile, Bennys sister begins a relationship with a colleague Roshan. The two families learn about the relationship. After initial resistance, Roshans mother agrees to the couple getting married. However, she asks for a dowry of ten lakh rupees. Benny tries hard to arrange for the sum but he is unsuccessful. On the day of the marriage, he flees home, unable to face anyone. Finally, Bennys friend Kunjabdulla Mamukkoya finds him. They return home to find everyone readying for the wedding. The dowry has been arranged for and given to Roshans family. Benny learns that Daisy has given the dowry for the marriage. He realizes how generous Daisy was, in spite of the shabby way he treated her and her family. He is deeply repentant and asks Daisy for forgiveness. They reunite.Bhagyadevathas songs and background score are composed by Ilaiyaraaja. The lyrics were written by Vayalar Sarathchandra Varma. The music album hassongs ........
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