Biriyani is a 2013 Indian Tamil black comedythriller film written and directed by Venkat Prabhu. Produced by Studio Green, it features Karthi and Hansika Motwani in the lead roles alongside Ramki, Premgi Amaren, Nithin Sathya, Madhumitha and Mandy Takhar. Yuvan Shankar Raja composed the score and soundtrack of Biriyani, which marks his 100th film, while Sakthi Saravanan and PraveenSrikanth handled cinematography and editing, respectively. Filming started in November 2012, lasted for over nine months and took place primarily at Chennai, Hyderabad and Ambur. The film was released onDecember 2013.
Varadharan later hosts a cocktail party and also invites Sugan and Parasuram where they get drunk. Sugan who has a weakness for Biriyani after getting drunk searches for a biriyani shop. There they both get to meet Maya. The very next day they find police cars searching for Varadharajan, who is missing. Meanwhile, Sugan and Parasuram find Varadharajans dead body in their car trunk.They are blamed for Varadharajans death and are chased by police which is the starting scene of the movie.Sugan and Parasu goes to their friends house and Parasu sends a picture of Maya to his friends. The next day, one of their friend finds Maya at Egmore Railway Station. Sugan comes there and Maya tells the truth, that she put drugs in their drinks and a police officer is responsible. As Sugan tries to get more information, a female cop stops Maya from telling the truth and later kills her on the train tracks. Back at home, Sugan gets a message from the female cop which makes him realize that she is not even a police officer but an assassin. Her next victim is no one other than Varalakshmi, Sugans sister. At the temple Sugans friend, his brotherinlaw and Varalakshmi are in a car accident and the female assassin captures Varalakshmi. Sugan gets a call from Vijayakrishna that he needs Varadharajan alive so that he can give Varalakshmi back to Sugan. ........
Source: Wikipedia