Black Comedy (film)

Black Comedy is a 2014 Hong Kong fantasy comedy film directed by Wilson Chin. It starred Chapman To, Wong Cholam and Kimmy Tong.

Johnny meets Vincent Chapman To, who offers him three wishes in exchange for his soul. His first wish is to be pursued by a beautiful woman, whom Vincent delivers in the form of Juicy also played by Kimmy Tong. Johnny soon discovers that Juicy is indiscriminately passionate, which makes him concerned about possible infidelity. In response, Johnny uses his second wish to turn Juicy into the innocent and unfailingly loyal QQ. He soon discovers, that QQ is unintelligent and is the daughter of triad figure Brother Drill Tommy Wong, a coincidence that leads the police to believe he is a triad mole.In order to change his superiors Benz Hui view of him, Johnny ventures into a drug lords lair hoping to solve a case, but he is killed. Vincent uses Johnnys third wish to reincarnate him as a wealthy, arrogant businessman in order for Johnny to complete his quest, win back Angel and protect the Chief Executive. ........

Source: Wikipedia