Black Snake Moan is a 2006 American drama film written and directed by Craig Brewer, and starring Samuel L. Jackson, Christina Ricci, and Justin Timberlake. The plot focuses on a Mississippi bluesman Jackson who holds a troubled local woman Ricci captive in his house in an attempt to cure her of her nymphomania after finding her severely beaten on the side of a road.
The film centers on two main characters Lazarus Redd Samuel L. Jackson, a deeply religious farmer and former blues guitarist, and Rae Doole Christina Ricci, a young sex addict. Lazarus wife and his brother were having an affair, which has left him bitter and angry. Raes boyfriend Ronnie Morgan Justin Timberlake leaves for deployment with the 196th Field Artillery Brigade, Tennessee National Guard, and in his absence, she indulges in bouts of promiscuity and drug use. During one of Raes binges, Ronnies friend Gill Morton Michael RaymondJames tries to take advantage of her. She laughs at his advances, comparing him unfavorably with another man, and he severely beats her. Believing shes dead, Gill dumps Rae and leaves her for dead in only a shirt and panties by the side of the road and drives away.Lazarus discovers Rae unconscious in the road the next morning and brings her home to nurse her back to health. Lazarus goes to see Tehronne David Banner the man who Lazarus thought had beaten her and learns of her promiscuity. Over the course of several days, Rae, delirious with fever, occasionally wakes up and tries to flee from Lazarus. He chains her to the radiator to keep her from running away. After Rae regains her wits, Lazarus announces that it is his spiritual duty to heal her of her sinful ways and refuses to release her until he does so. Rae makes several attempts to escape, and even briefly has sex with a teenage boy who helps out on Lazarus farm. ........
Source: Wikipedia