Blind Justice (1986 film)

Blind Justice is a drama television film starring Tim Matheson, Mimi Kuzyk and Philip Charles MacKenzie. It was directed by Rod Holcomb and written by Josephine Cummings and Richard Yalem. The film first aired on March 9, 1986 on the Columbia Broadcasting System.

The film stars Tim Matheson as Jim Anderson, Mimi Kuzyk as Cathy Anderson and Philip Charles MacKenzie as John Pierson. Others in the film include Lisa Eichhorn as Carolyn Shetland, Tom Atkins as Kramer and John Kellogg as Jims father.For years after the films original broadcast, the film remained on outofprint VHS only, released in America via Fox Home Entertainment. Another outofprint version was released in Brazil via Abril Vdeo, whilst a now outofprint VHS release via CBSFox Video Ltd was also released in the UK. In July 2012, the DVD was given a DVD release in America only via CBS Home Entertainment, which is now manufactured on demand using DVDR recordable media via only. ........

Source: Wikipedia