
Bloodworth is a 2010 drama film directed by Shane Dax Taylor and based on Provinces of Night, a novel by William Gay. The film stars Val Kilmer, Kris Kristofferson and Hilary Duff.

The film is directed by Shane Taylor and adapted from the novel, Provinces of Night, by William Gay. Kenny Burke produced the film with Taylor and Brown. Music producer TBone Burnett supervised the films music, which includes original compositions by Kris Kristofferson.An early version of the film premiered at the 2010 Santa Barbara International Film Festival on February 6, 2010 it later screened as a work in progress at the 2010 Nashville Film Festival on April 1522, 2010. The completed version of the film was part of the 17th Annual Austin Film Festival during Octobertoin Austin, Texas. It is currently available as a part of the Netflix Instant Play. ........

Source: Wikipedia