Borderland is a 2007 horror film written and directed by Zev Berman. It is loosely based on the true story of Adolfo de Jess Constanzo, the leader of a religious cult that practiced human sacrifice. Costanzo and his followers kidnapped and murdered University of Texas junior, Mark J. Kilroy, in the spring of 1989.
One year later, Ed Brian Presley, Henry Jake Muxworthy and Phil Rider Strong, three recent Texas college grads, are enjoying a college beach bonfire in Galveston, Texas. They decide to head down to Mexico for the week to hit up the strip clubs and take advantage of a lack of law enforcement.Ed meets a bartender named Valeria Martha Higareda after being stabbed defending her in a barfight and falls in love with her, while Henry sets Phil up for his first sexual encounter with a prostitute, who is barely 17. Phil immediately falls in love with the prostitute, who he quickly finds out has a baby. The boys, Valeria and her cousin Lupe Francesca Guillen indulge in some hallucinogenic mushrooms before going to a carnival. Phil leaves early to give the prostitutes baby a teddy bear, and as he walks from the carnival alone, Phil reluctantly gets into a car with a couple of men who proceed to abduct him when he tries to leave. ........
Source: Wikipedia