Brasil Animado lit Animated Brazil is a 2011 Brazilian animated comedy film directed by Mariana Caltabiano. The film is based on As Aventuras de Gui amp Estopa, an animated cartoon created by Caltabiano.
A couple of dogs called Stress and Relax leave in search for the Cariniana legalis, the oldest tree of Brazil. They are not sure what city the tree is. While Relax thinks only about having fun and get to know the culture of different parts of Brazil, Stress becomes increasingly eager to find the tree as he hopes to get rich selling souvenirs of it.Filming took place between October 31, 2009 and December 3, 2010. Part of the animation was produced by Mariana Caltabiano Criaes and TeleImage, while the liveaction was recorded in the studios of Globo Filmes. The footage was shot in Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, So Paulo, Foz do Iguau, Ouro Preto, Gramado, Braslia, Florianpolis, Braslia and other cities. ........
Source: Wikipedia