Buddy Boy

Buddy Boy is a 2000 psychological thriller film written and directed by Mark Hanlon. The film premiered to a standing ovation at the Venice International Film Festival on September 5, 1999 in the Cinema del Presente section. It subsequently bowed at the Toronto International Film Festival World Cinema section and South by Southwest Film Festival before being released theatrically by Fine Line Features in North America on March 24, 2000. Rex Reed of the New York Observer called it a curious, unsettling, darkly conceived and absolutely fascinating little film. Not since Roman Polanski at the pinnacle of his European weirdness have I seen a film this strange and riveting. Following its North American premiere, Buddy Boy was released theatrically worldwide. International DVD releases have been made in Japan, Italy, Spain, France and the United Kingdom. The special edition DVD was released in North America by Image Entertainment on September 25, 2005. On September 11, 2007 it was released as part of a threefilm DVD triptych along with Antonia Birds Face and Peter Medaks Let Him Have It.

Source: Wikipedia