Cala, My Dog is a 2003 Chinese comedy film directed by Lu Xuechang. The film had its world premiere at the 2003 Berlin International Film Festival and its Chinese release a week earlier on February 2, 2003. The film follows a bluecollar worker Ge You in Beijing as he attempts to acquire a dog license inhours for his beloved unlicensed Cala. The film was coproduced by the successful film director Feng Xiaogang.
Lao Er Ge You lives a humdrum life as a laborer in Beijing with his wife Yu Lan Ding Jiali, his son Liangliang Li Bin and his beloved dog, Cala. Lao Ers life is thrown into turmoil when the government in an effort to control rabies, decrees that all unlicensed dogs are to be cast out of the city. When Cala is confiscated during an evening walk, the police give Lao Er eighteen hours until 400 in the afternoon of the next day to obtain a license for 5000 RMB 600, an exorbitant amount of money for a worker in Lao Ers position.Lao Er, determined to get his dog back, sends his son to coerce an uncle working in the pound to get the dog back. When that fails, he goes to his neighbor Li Qinqin in order to use her dogs license to trick the pound. When that too fails, Lao Er becomes desperate, all while dealing with a wife who becomes increasingly jealous over his visits to his neighbor, and a son who is arrested after getting into a fight... ........
Source: Wikipedia