Castles and Cottages

Schlsser und Katen Castles And Cottages is an East German blackandwhite film, directed by Kurt Maetzig. It was released in 1957.

At 1945, the baron and his family fled to the West, leaving their serfs and servants under Soviet occupation. The former estate inspector, Brker, plans to have Anna marry his son, after discovering the barons letter. Anna, now a young woman, falls in love with Klimm, a war veteran who returned from captivity. When she realizes her fathers plans, she and Klimm flee to the city.The new communist government handed the nobles lands to the common people, and Anton became a small farmer. He and his wife have a small income of their plot. Annegret, now a zoologist, returns to the countryside to implement reforms in livestock management that would improve productivity, as the government intends to collectivize the farms. The farmers, especially the richer ones, are skeptic. Anton is frustrated by one of the communist functionaries constant demands, assaults him and is thrown to jail. The people become tired of the collectivization efforts. The Baroness von Holzendorf returns from the west, and begins to stir trouble. OnJune 1953, the farmers revolt against the government, as part of a wave of statewide demonstrations. Soviet troops quell the uprising. Anton, who understands the letter he received is worthless, turns to aid the local officials. After a life of misery, he is accepted as an equal member in the new collective farm. Marthe, Anton, Annegret and Klimm reunite as a happy family. ........

Source: Wikipedia