Charles Woodruff Yost

Loy W. Henderson Charles W. Yost Dayton S. Mak Hermann Eilts William Stoltzfus Andrew Killgore Richard Bordeaux Parker William L. Eagleton Robert O. Waring Clifford J. Pat Quinlan Talcott Williams Seelye Joseph J. Sisco Alfred Atherton Nicholas A. Veliotes Richard W. Murphy Joseph W. Twinam Robert Pelletreau W. Nathaniel Howell Edward Djerejian Hume Horan April Glaspie Wat T. Cluverius IV Edward S. Walker, Jr. Edward Gnehm Ronald E. Neumann Ryan Crocker Harold H. Saunders Barbara Bodine Mary Ann Casey David Welch Francis J. Ricciardone, Jr. Daniel C. Kurtzer William Joseph Burns Zalmay Khalilzad Dennis Ross Martin Indyk

Yost was born in Watertown, New York, on November 6, 1907. He attended the Hotchkiss School, with Roswell Gilpatric, Paul Nitze, and Chapman Rose before graduating from Princeton University in 1928. He did postgraduate studies at the cole des Hautes tudes International in Paris. Over the next year he traveled to Geneva, Berlin, the Soviet Union, Poland, Rumania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Spain, and Vienna.

Source: Wikipedia