Charles de Saint %C3%89vremond

Charles de Marguetel de SaintDenis, seigneur de Saintvremond was a French soldier, hedonist, essayist and literary critic. After 1661, he lived in exile, mainly in England, as a consequence of his attack on French policy at the time of the Peace of the Pyrenees . He is buried in Poets Corner, Westminster. He wrote for his friends and did not intend his work to be published, although a few of his pieces were leaked in his lifetime. The first full collection of his works was published in London in 1705, after his death.

He was born at SaintDenisleGuast, near Coutances, the seat of his family in Normandy. He was a pupil of the Jesuits at the College de Clermont , Paris then a student at Caen. For a time he studied law in Paris at the College dHarcourt . He soon, however, took to arms, and in 1629 went with Marshal Bassompierre to Italy. He served through great part of the Thirty Years War, distinguishing himself at the siege of Landrecies , when he was made captain. During his campaigns he studied the works of Montaigne and the Spanish and Italian languages.

Source: Wikipedia