Charlie the Unicorn

Charlie the Unicorn is a 2005 Flash animated comedy short film and viral video created by Jason Steele of independent film company FilmCow in Tyler, Texas. The short follows Charlie, a lethargic unicorn, who is taken by two other unicorns on an adventure to the mythical Candy Mountain. However, as it turns out, the journey is a farce, and Charlie gets hoodwinked by the other two unicorns.

In a quiet meadow, Charlie, a unicorn, is resting, before he is awakened by two other unicorns. As Charlie awakes from his slumber, the other two unicorns inform him that they have found a map to the mythical Candy Mountain, and that he must come with them on their journey. Charlie initially refuses, and goes back to sleep. The blue unicorn begins to jump on Charlie, insistent that he should come, and both begin to pester him with details of the mountain, causing him to begrudgingly give in to their demands. The trio begin their journey in a forest, where the two lead Charlie to a Liopleurodon the two unicorns converse with the Liopleuridon, who supposedly guides them on their quest with a simple roar. The trio then crosses a bridge, much to the delight of the pink and blue unicorns, who repeatedly tell him that they are on a bridge.When the trio arrive at Candy Mountain, the letter Y of CANDY sign comes to life and sings a song, imploring Charlie to go into the cave. When the letters explode, Charlie reluctantly goes into the cave. The other unicorns say goodbye as Charlie is locked inside and knocked out. When he awakens in his original spot, he realizes that they have taken one of his kidneys. The video then immediately ends with the credits. ........

Source: Wikipedia