Cherry Falls

Cherry Falls is a 2000 American slasher film and satire directed by Geoffrey Wright, and starring Brittany Murphy, Jay Mohr, and Michael Biehn. The plot focuses on a small Virginia town where a serial killer is targeting teenaged virgins. After being submitted to and rejected by the MPAA numerous times, the film was never picked up for theatrical distribution and was purchased by USA Films, who telecast it for the first time on July 29, 2000.

Annette Duwald, also a virgin, is killed in the same fashion of the last nights events. Concerned for the towns safety, Brent holds a meeting at the high school to tell parents the nature of the crimes. No students are invited, but Jody and her friend Timmy, who stayed after school, witness the meeting. Timmy asks to borrow Jodys cell phone, and goes into the stairwell to make a call. Jody goes downstairs to find him, and discovers his dead body in a locker room. She is confronted by the killer who attacks her, but she manages to escape. At the police station, Jody describes the killer to an officer, who draws a composite. Brent confides with an old friend, Tom Sisler, the current high school principal that the suspect looks like Lora Lee Sherman. The two are both visibly nervous, and Jody listens in on their conversation.Later at school, Jody and Kenny reconcile, and later Jody learns from her mother about the tale of Lora Lee. Twentyfive years ago, Lora Lee was a high school loner. She claimed that four popular boys at school, including Brent and the high school principal, raped her one night. Her cries fell on deaf ears and she left the city for the rural outskirts, where she was rarely seen or heard from again. After Jody discovers the truth, disappointed with the hypocrisy of her parents, she visits Kenny at his house. They talk, and Jody being upset with her parents, tries to pressure sex on Kenny. He refuses, pushing her away. ........

Source: Wikipedia