Chicago Heights (film)

Chicago Heights alternate title The Last Soul on a Summer Night is a 2009 film written and directed by Daniel Nearing. This experimental, nonlinear film is an ambitious adaptation of Sherwood Andersons short story cycle, Winesburg, Ohio. Noted film critic Roger Ebert included Chicago Heights in his list of the Top Art Films of 2010.

The reflections relate to the elderly mans coming of age Nathan Walker is played as younger by Andre Truss and his relationship with his mother Keisha Dyson. He also sees into the lives of others he might have known, like a Chicago Heights church pastor Gerrold Johnson, a professor Michaele Nicole, and a psychologist Benny Stewart who worked with his mother.Because Winesburg, Ohio is collection of interrelated stories and not a linear novel, Many critics thought it could never be made into a film. Nearing and writing partner Rudy Thauberger began adapting the book more than a decade before the film was made. ........

Source: Wikipedia